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We have many Social events in the masonic Calendar, that are open to both masons and non-masons; we also have regular events where our family and friends can get involved.
To book your tickets for our events online - Please click here
We will be including more information soon, but below, are a few of the events to look out for:
Clay Pigeon Shooting
In conjunction with the Bedfordshire Masonic Sports Association we attend regular shoots at Sporting Targets in Risely - this is a full day that includes a number of competitions, Lunch, 3 course Meal in the evening and a raffle.
Always a favourite, we attend regular Golf Society days, that include a round of golf, meal and raffle.
This is hosted at Golf Courses in the Bedfordshire area and details of these will be following.
Burns Supper
Every Year we host a Burns Supper evening at our Masonic Center and this is always a hit, tickets sell fast and the evening is always a success.
Hosted by St Andrews and Sandye Lodge, for both Masons and Non-Masons.
Quiz Nights
During the difficult times, our normal planned social schedule of Quiz nights for 2020 is on hold. Rest assured that, when it is safe to do so, we will resume this important aspect of the social calendar and, will once again welcome masons and non-masons alike. All events are hosted at St Andrews Rooms - Details to Follow
Ladies Festival
Every Year, the Master of the Lodge, organises a very special event weekend to celebrate the ladies and this is available to all masons, non-mason, friends and family.
Not to be missed as it is an excuse to get dressed up and enjoy a wonderful evening or weekend away.
This year, the St Andrews Ladies Festival will be hosted by Worshipful Brother Andrew Shenston.
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